Jun 26, 2018
Join Laura Dunn and Mike Domitrz as they discuss justice, the #MeToo Movement, and advocating for survivors. Both Dunn and Domitrz have extensive experience working with educational systems for working to reduce sexual violence for students.
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Jun 26, 2018
Join Lisa Ryan with Mike Domitrz discussing RESPECT in the Workplace. Find out specific approaches that are vitally important to integrating respect in the workplace.
* You are invited to join our community and conversations about each episode on FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/MutuallyAmazingPodcast and join us...
Jun 26, 2018
Join Mike Domitrz and Chris Clarke-Epstein Discussing Change and the Role Respect Plays, especially in today's turbulent times. From personal life to the workplace to the political landscape, they dive into each area in this episode.
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Jun 26, 2018
Join Mike Domitrz and Rick Clemons as Rick shares the importance of respect in coming out and having the choice to do so.
* You are invited to join our community and conversations about each episode on FaceBook at https://www.facebook.com/MutuallyAmazingPodcast and join us on Twitter @CenterRespect or visit our website...